12/17/24 – Following a server upgrade, most websites experienced downtime for most of the day. Our provider did not initially supply the updated DNS information for our primary DNS servers. We updated our DNS servers as soon as we received the correct information, but we experienced downtime while waiting for DNS propagation. The outage was unplanned. We sincerely apologize for any downtime to all our customers that were effected.
No interruptions or outages to report
Past Issues:
Our Server Admins have implemented the fix, and this issue should be resolved.
If you are still experiencing issues with your emails, feel free to contact our support channels through phone or chat so we can further assist you.
We apologize for any inconvenience that this has caused you
Email bounceback messages
09/12/20 12 pm – Issue identified
Our server health team is currently investigating bounceback email issues, and we are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. Thank you for your patience and cooperation in regard to troubleshooting this issue.
Further updates will be posted here.